Data Cleaning and Exploratory Analysis in R
This course is designed for data professionals in intermediate level who are interested to conduct data cleaning and exploratory analysis projects.
•To prepare your data for a data analysis project
•To learn how to deal with missing data and outliers to resolve data inconsistencies
•To gain maximum insight from the data set and its
underlying structure
•To improve your understanding on descriptive statistics
•To do feature engineering and extract the most meaningful
features from variables
•To do exploratory analysis using different plots
•Loading and cleaning data in R
•Data structure investigation
•Relationships and patterns investigation among variables
•Dummy variable interpretation
•Feature engineering and variable transformation
•Missing and duplicate data imputation
•Outlier handling
•Feature scaling
•Exploratory data analysis using R graphical libraries
•Correlation testing
•Applying the data cleaning exploratory analysis on real data as the final project