Advances of Data Visualization, Storytelling and Dashboards Design in Tableau

  • Course level: Advanced  
There are no active Semester Schedule for this course   Pre-registar


This course designed in advanced level enabling the participants to fine tune their advanced Tableau skills. You will acquire advanced analytical skills and chart- building techniques in Tableau Desktop.


To review the Tableau Desktop features
To learn AB testing in Tableau
To apply advanced calculations to gain additional insight from  your data
To incorporate advanced chart types into your analysis
To apply advanced dashboarding techniques
To use Tableau techniques to address common business use  cases
To format your visualizations and dashboards for maximum


To learn how to do seasonality analysis
To explore real world business scenario examples


Review of Tableau Desktop
Real world business scenario examples
Merging Data Connections & Data Sources
Advanced Calculations
Context Filter
Paging feature to visualization the trends
Advanced Parameters
Advanced Mapping
Advanced Chart Types
AB testing in Tableau
Seasonality Analysis
Introduction to Data Preparation and Validation Techniques in  Tableau Prep
Final project to build responsive dashboard on your  own data

Registration fee :
€ 690

Target audience

  • Data Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • IT & Analytics Staff
  • Tableau users


  • Basic skills on Tableau