Big Data Fundamentals and Ecosystem

  • Course level: Intermediate  
There are no active Semester Schedule for this course   Pre-registar


This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding the essential concepts and applications of Big Data.


To can describe the Big Data ecosystem and its applications

To know how to run better businesses and provide better  service to customers using Big Data
To can detect what are and what are not big data problems
To know what are the essential skills in Big Data domain
To know the Big Data applications in real world
To can install and run a program using Hadoop!
To know the best practices on implementing Big Data
To learn how to build a Big Data strategy in your own  organization


Big Data ecosystem and essential concepts
Vs of Big Data
Applications: What makes big data valuable
How companies utilized Big Data to boost their performance
Step-by-Step of building a Big Data strategy
Programming models of Big Data
Getting Started with Hadoop
The Hadoop Distributed File System
NOSQL Data Bases
Introduction to Pig, Hive, Yarn, Flume, Spark
What is Map Reduces?
Running a program in Hadoop!

Registration fee :
€ 490

Target audience

  • Data Engineers
  • Database Administrators
  • IT staff
  • Computer Science and IT Students


  • Basic knowledge on data analytics
  • No prior programming
  • experience is needed