Applied Data Analysis Course (online)

  • Course level: Intermediate  
There are no active Semester Schedule for this course   Pre-registar


This is a project-based data analysis course where you'll use Excel, Tableau, and Python. Dive into cleaning and visualizing data, collaborate on real projects, and cap it off by solving practical problems. Ideal for beginners and seasoned professionals alike. This course is certified by EIT Tech Talent, European Union.


On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:


  1. Understand and describe the essential concepts of Data Analytics
  2. Describe how to get prepared towards having a Data Driven Organization
  3. Identify and implement appropriate analytical techniques fundamental to developing data analysis projects
  4. Practically design and run the Exploratory Analysis projects in different analytics environments such as Excel, Python, and Tableau
  5. Practice all data analysis techniques they learned through a final project applied to real-world datasets.


• Introduction to Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning
• Introduction to Generative AI and LLM (Large language Models)
• Different types of data analysis: Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive, and Prescriptive
• How to have a Data-Driven Organization (DDO)
• Essential concepts about data visualizations
• Analytics project life cycle
Advanced analytics techniques in ExcelBuilding Analytics dashboards in Excel

• Introduction to Tableau
• Building Dashboards in tableau
• Introduction to Python Programming
• Data Cleaning techniques in Python
• Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
• Final Project to apply the learned data analysis techniques on real world datasets

Registration fee :
€ 1700

Target audience

  • Company workforce, students and graduates in:
  • Computer science and IT
  • All engineering subjects
  • Education
  • Business, Accounting and Finance
  • Bioinformatics & Biotechnology
  • Social Sciences
  • And other related fields


  • Just knowing the basic Excel