Webinar: AI for Managers

  • publish date : 2021/02/26


This webinar aims to provide what Managers Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, to make an analytics driven organization.



Friday, 19th March 2021, 9h00 to 11h00 GMT


Who to attend:

The contents and panel discussions of this webinar are prepared for managers, decision-makers, and senior-level supervisors from industries, government agencies, and academia.


How to attend:

If you are currently in the management position in your company or organization, you will be more than welcome to join this webinar by pressing the "I like to Attend" button at the right panel and fill the requested information. Afterward, the organizing committee will contact you to confirm your registration and sending you the webinar link.


About the Webinar:

In the era of big data and industry 4.0, becoming analytics-driven is essential for the companies and organizations who want to keep their competitive advantages. It is quite important to know how to take the full advantage of Data Science towards generating actionable insights and making data driven decisions.

This is a leadership development and awareness-raising webinar for managers to be prepared for bringing AI and Analytics to their business and organization.